Vein Surgery: When to Use

Gluing and sealing

Sclerotherapy may be used at an early stage. Special substances are introduced into the veins with a thin needle. These substances are known as sclerosants. They stick the walls of the affected veins together stopping blood flow through them. Sclerotherapy is performed on an outpatient basis. It is better to do it under the control of an ultrasound scanner.

Previously, the method was used only in the treatment of small vessels. However, it became possible to “glue” even large varicose nodes with the advent of the foam sclerotherapy. This method differs from the classical one in that sclerosant is turned into a bland foam with the help of special devices. This foam is introduced into the vessel.

Sclerotherapy is practically painless, because the thinnest, specially sharpened needles are used. As a result, blood circulation in the legs improves significantly, blood stasis in the varicose veins disappears, pain, swelling, cramps, and fatigue disappear. Unfortunately, some patients still have relapses, but their number is small, only 5-10%.

Visit a specialist

If your veins hurt, legs swell, they get tired quickly hurry up to visit a phlebologist! In case of relapse or in the presence of large venous nodes, the radical remedy is a surgical operation – Beccoccus phlebectomy is applied. A probe is inserted through the incision on the thigh, with which a vein is removed. With a small expansion diameter, a microphlebectomy is performed. The veins are removed by hooks through skin punctures.

An alternative to the surgical method is endovenous laser ablation (EVLA). It is more powerful than sclerotherapy. At the same time, it does not require incisions, like an operation, moreover, it is performed on an outpatient basis. Through a small puncture, a thin fiber connected to an infrared laser is placed in a vein under ultrasound guidance. During a light pulse, the blood absorbs the high energy of the laser radiation and instantly boils. High temperature “steals” the vein wall, and the need for its removal disappears.

Since the intervention takes place inside the vessel, the risk of damage to adjacent organs and structures is minimized. Contraindications for laser therapy are the acute phase of thrombophlebitis, pregnancy and intolerance to elastic compression.